Obtaining Fair Compensation for Victims of Employment Discrimination Since 1988
As quickly as a serious personal injury can turn a bright future into bleak horizons — so can employment-related wage disputes, discrimination or harassment.
The difference is that while negligent parties are often held accountable by their victims — mistreatment by employers, supervisors and co-workers often goes unchallenged simply because victims do not want to risk the financial security that comes with having a job.
At Gillis & Bikofsky, our lawyers represent mistreated employees in the Boston area and Massachusetts in all types of employment law claims. A partial listing of some of the issues we deal with regularly includes:
- Discrimination (all types: age, race, gender, religion, disability, etc.)
- Sexual harassment
- Hostile work environment
- Qui Tam and whistleblower claims
- Retaliatory firing
- Wrongful termination
- Wage, hour and overtime law violations
Massachusetts Wage and Hour Claims
Our attorneys have had extensive experience and success in representing employees with wage and hour disputes. In a recent case, we successfully represented a group of hospitality industry and service professionals against an employer that was illegally forcing them to share tips in violation of Massachusetts “tips” law.
Free Consultations, No Fees Unless We Win